Wednesday, November 25, 2009

That's a GO

At around 12:00 pm the Building Inspector approved our footing inspection and the concrete truck arrived at 1:30 pm with 9 cubic yards of readi-mix concrete for the footing trenches and column pads. Our subs Doug and Dave set about pouring the concrete in trench and once up to level then added a 2" x 4" keyway in the middle of the footing. A keyway in the footing creates a bond between footing and wall when the foundation walls are poured.
So in two weeks we've demoilished, excavated, and installed footings and obtained our building permits in between there. We are on schedule. Friday the wall forms go up, Monday the walls get poured, and dampproofed by Wednesday. Looks like deck framing should start by Monday December 7 or sooner.

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